Smart and complete solution for NMR laboratory data management

Monitoring Dashboard
- IconNMR status and history in one place
- Permanent and searchable IconNMR history
- Central database of users and experiments
- Experimental time accounting
- Cryogen levels
Submission Portal
- Improved and centrally controlled NMR lab traffic
- Batch/rack submission
- Correct provenance meta data assured
Data Storage
- Automatic upload and storage of NMR datasets
- Search datasets using various metadata
- Data ownership and access control
NMR Lab Notebook
- Selecting and reorganising data for publication
- NMRium embedded for viewing and processing data
- Adding addtional metadata and data (molecular structures, assigments ...)
- Sharing data with other users
Decentralised Data Repository
- Repository created and maintained by community of NOMAD users
- Local NMR data management systems can share resources to create P2P network of nodes
- Preserving, sharing and publishing data without a server controled by central authority
- Legend:
- Implemented feature
- Feature on the road map

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